Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Definition: A set of forms all of which contain a particular element, esp. the set of all inflected forms based on a single stem or theme. A display in fixed arrangement of such a set, as boy, boy's, boys, boys'. An example serving as a model or pattern. A mold, standard, ideal, paragon, touchstone.
I have come to the conclusion that RealityWritesCollective is lacking a paradigm. Perhaps that is why we have become less interested in posting our thoughts. I thought that all being women with children who would like to write would be enough of a paradigm, but I was wrong. We are all so different and have different motivations for being in Reality Writes. It is what I both LOVE about RWC and what prevents us from becoming more than what we are.
But maybe, what we are is enough. We are a workspace where we can post story ideas, thoughts, and inspirations. We are a group that can encourage and support each other. We can review, critique, or bounce an idea around.
Maybe lack of paradigm is not our problem – maybe we just all have a little too much work to do right now.
NEXT MEETING October 16.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Parental Judgement
Is it parental judgment or parental frustration that we get so annoyed with other peoples kids?
When I came across this article this morning titled Message to Parents Getting Louder: No Screaming Babies Allowed, I was sorta flabbergasted and laughing. Yes, kids can be challenging to be around when you don't have any, but most people will one day. And I would like to see any company financially survive a ban on kids.
People in the comments section of the article were blaming parents for being too checked out and ignoring their obnoxious little people. As if these people were perfect little angels all the time when they were children. It is shocking how many people are for such things as banning kids, can't wait for them to be in the nursing home circuit while the kids they were annoyed by are running things.
Are we just getting awfully grumpy in society today? Do we have little patience for the people in our lives and especially little patience for the people not in our immediate lives?
I thought I was above these sort of judgments of course. We often all think we aren't like that.
Then I went to an party. That had lots and lots and lots of kiddos in attendance.
I got frustrated I tell you. And I might seem like an overprotective nincompoop. I am not, I will fight for your kids too if I see injustice. (Well I am overprotective, but because I love my babies and you can't fault me for loving my babies)
But here is what gets my goat, a group of kids, whether at a party a park a play date are left to their own devices. Everyone seems to stop paying attention to their kids and lets them run willy-nilly when other kids appear.
I get it. Many times on play dates I will let my kids know that I am talking to the grown up now and I will be with them in a minute. Play dates are for Mom's as much as they are for kids, no matter what anyone says otherwise. But it is usually me and one Mom. I can hear or see any crisis or extreme misbehavior as it happens.
So often at outings, or groups, kids are rude. They push in front of each other, they find one kid to pick on and start doing just that in very subtle ways, sometimes not so subtle and there is an all out fight. But there is nobody there as far as the eye can see to look at these little people and let them know that that treatment of their friends is entirely unacceptable.
Um...if we aren't letting our kids know that what they are doing is wrong...who are we hoping is going to do that?
Are we hoping that their peers will say, "Hey, don't push that kid out of the way! It is his turn!"
I may have been judging for a moment, but I am not dumb, parenting is the hardest thing I have ever done and assume that is the case with every parent. I think more it is sheer frustration. It does take a village to raise kids, and not just directly to help us raise our own kids, like a babysitter or two that you might have available, but to be examples to our kids. One kid to another.
I don't want my kids to be bullies, the world has enough grown-up bullies in it running the joint. Our kids will one day be the ones running the world. Shouldn't we help them to understand how we treat people? Or should we leave them on their own to learn from other little kids who hit and push and bully how they should behave?
The way they will run the world starts with what they learn on the playground.
Trust me, I am no way near to being a perfect Mom. I wouldn't bother making such a ludicrous and far from the truth statement. My kids annoy me some days. Mostly it is the fighting between them that really gets under my skin, which includes hitting and pushing, which for some reason they never seem to bring to play with friends. And don't get me started on the status of their room, a tornado would actually help it out a little.
Am I judgmental? Often, yet I am trying to work on that.
Am I frustrated? Yes. I am tired of being the one standing there responding to your kids behavior while you relax and enjoy yourself.
Thursday, September 2, 2010
A new hat to juggle
1. I am OLD – as I walk around campus I am very aware of how stinkin’ old I am! These kids look like BABIES and in fact some of them could be my babies.
2. An hour is not very long – I remember getting antsy after an hour of class time but now it is pretty easy to sit and listen and do nothing. It is a nice break from running around, cleaning, picking and dropping off kids.
3. I have learned a lot. It is amazing to hear what some of the young students think and how naïve they are about certain things. Thank goodness I have actually learned something.
4. I have become good at multitasking. I was worried about keeping up with everything, but it is true that the more you have to do, the more that gets done.
5. It’s nice (and hard) to be able to use your brain on a daily basis. Thinking makes you feel alive.
I am on to week three. I hope I remember how to write a paper and take a test… I think I will be fine... if I just remember to breathe.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Live and Learn
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Varying shades of green
Fast forward forty years. My kids preach to me about how we need to conserve resources, save the planet, save the whales, and all good things like that. I couldn't agree more. I have been doing my part for many many years. My mom did her part by teaching me to be thrifty and practical with what I had. What I find interesting is that I would call my kids' commitment "light green". They are all talk. When it comes down to actually participating in what they preach, they only do it when it's convenient for them.
Case in point: High school senior leaves for school in the morning. She has taken AP Environmental Science, so she is enlightened about all subjects environmental and has told me about how we Americans are wrecking the planet. As she goes out the door to her gas-powered car, she leaves her bedroom light on and the stereo blaring. So much for conservation of energy. What happened to simply turning off the power?
Second case in point: Middle school kid who wants to save all living things has decided that this year it will be better if I drive him to school rather than him taking the bus. So, each morning we are burning extra gas to go back and forth. Hmmm, that is not very earth-friendly, is it?
Third case in point: I clean out the backpacks from the prior year. There are about a dozen half-used spiral notebooks in perfectly good shape. But do my kids want to reuse these? No! They would like new notebooks and would like to throw the old notebooks away. What do I do? I salvage all of their half used notebooks for my own personal use to write my rantings in. The paper is perfectly fine. I am the one who is saving the trees, not them.
I could go on and on.
I would like to believe that they will one day change their ways when they become a bit older and wiser. I'm not saying that I'm perfect. I drive an SUV and probably use more than my fair share of gas. But I do know that I am doing my small part, and I think I am actually living in a brighter shade of "green" than a lot of the young people in the world.
I hope I can pass on some of these values to them like my mom did to me, but sometimes it feels hopeless.
Every time they begin talking about the gigantic subject of saving the earth I just smile and keep doing what I'm doing. Maybe one day they will get it. It's all the small things on a daily basis that really make a difference.
Peggy McNeal
Monday, August 16, 2010
Climbing Quandary
I'd expected to do the whole hike, up and back, in that amount of time! Some of our husbands had done it a month ago in 5 hours. But unfortunately two of our group suffered bad altitude sickness requiring a slow pace and frequent rest stops on the ascent. (One did feel a little better after throwing up. That bad.)
I also contemplated the golden value of such friends I have. No one had an ego to show off. No one was trying to prove anything. There was nothing but patience and encouragement for those who were lagging. (Little did I know that would be me on the way down, running out of water two hours early and bad knees screaming their displeasure at the steep rocks.) I realized that I myself was far more flexible and patient than I used to be, willing to stay with my friends at the end of the line or offering to share my hiking poles. That's big for me, someone who has always been highly competetive. This was just not the time for that.
- I'm easily obsessive. I spent more time on 14ers.com than facebook the week prior, reading trip reports from Quandary and other peaks and searching for advice. I memorized the driving directions even though I wasn't driving. I printed a trail map even though it would be impossible to get lost with weekend crowds. I packed extra clothes, first aid, rain gear, and twice the food I needed. I spent two hours loading my backpack just right.
- My exercise classes all summer have paid off! I felt much better than I expected. On the other hand, I still have far to go to be as fit as I want to. This was good motivation to stick with it.
- I still have a sense of wild adventure and spontaneity even though I haven't been able to live it out for many years. I hope this is just the beginning of rebirthing that aspect of my heart.
- I've lost my fear of indecent exposure when nature calls. There was a time when I probably would have chosen extreme bladder discomfort rather than crouching behind rocks and trees without worrying about what people think. It's liberating.
- Lastly, I observed that I tend to be a bit self-promoting and I need to learn to listen and engage others without talking up myself. It seemed that so often when one of my friends was telling a story, I would push my own similar stories into the conversation. I'm not as good a listener as I want to be. As I think about it, I realize I frequently do the same thing when commenting on blogs or facebook. That's kind of hard to admit, but it's something to work on.